Author Archives: Amanda Ashwood


Today we continue with our Life Events series, and discuss planning tips for dealing with a disability. A disability for you or a close family member creates new challenges for you and your family. Have you ever considered what would happen if you or the main breadwinner in the family was no longer able to work? Would that income stop? Could you survive on only one person’s income? Would this cause issues for the care of your children? You should also consider the impact disability would have on a stay-at-home parent. This is a hugely important role, which may not…

Happy Holidays

Wishing all of our clients a very Merry Christmas. We hope you enjoy the holidays with family & friends and get some well deserved rest. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Death of a Loved One

The perception that our jobs, as financial advisors, is just about money and investments is far from the truth. Our clients lean on us for help with constantly changing life events; such as death, disability, marriage and divorce, leaving a job, buying a house, and new parenthood. We encourage them to do so. It is far simpler to prevent mistakes rather than trying to fix things after bad decisions are implemented. In the next several blog posts, we will discuss some of these topics, and how we can help when a major life event happens in your life. In this…

Market Outlook

We are sharing this short video with you to answer some common questions about the current state of the world’s economies and markets. Myles Zyblock is the Chief Investment Strategist at Dynamic Funds. Myles has some interesting insights on the future of the Eurozone, Brexit, the U.S economy and more.

Cottage Ownership & Taxes

Don’t fool with the taxman when transferring your cottage By Tim Cestnick Last week I took my son, Win, to Dairy Queen on his eighth birthday. He was half-way through his ice cream when he said: “Dad, people who have a plastic leg have to be careful not to eat too much ice cream – it can hurt them.” Now, I’m no expert on prosthetic limbs. But I had to believe there was a flaw in Win’s thinking. “What makes you think that?” I asked. “Well,” he continued, “I read it in a book at school.” “So, what happens if…

New Year | New Website

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website: Crawford • Ashwood Financial First, we’d like to thank all of our clients for your wonderful feedback of our Ten Cent Nickel blog over the past few years, and for sharing our articles with your family and friends. Our business grows solely with the referrals we receive from our wonderful clients, and we appreciate your ongoing support and trust. Our blog is now wrapped all-in-one to our new website, so you will still receive our new post notifications via email; however we suggest that you update your browser…

2016 TFSA Limit

Our new government has kept their promise to reduce the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) limit back down to $5,500 per year. But don’t worry; you aren’t losing any contribution room that has already accumulated. Anyone opening a brand new account today would have a limit of $41,000, and that will rise by another $5,500 on January 1st, 2016. So, new accounts or maximums for previously opened accounts will be $46,500 in the New Year. We recommend you check with your accountant or tax preparer, or log into your CRA My Account online, to ensure you don’t over contribute if…

Estate Planning

Not many people like to think about death, and certainly not our own disability or demise. As unappealing as it might be to start planning for this inevitability, it has to be done. The Legal Stuff First, get the legal stuff done. There are many documents you may need to consider, and the good news is that it is likely not as complicated or expensive as you might imagine. A Will Everybody needs a will; however studies show less than half of Canadians actually have a will. A will is there to explain what you want done with your assets…

Save More for Later

Earlier this week, the 2015 Federal Budget announced that the Tax Free Savings Account annual contribution limit will be increased from $5,500 to $10,000 per year. The government has said that this change will be effective immediately (and be retroactive to January 1st). What This Means for You If you have not already made a 2015 deposit into your TFSA, you can do so now up to the new maximum of $10,000 (if you have not maximized previous years contributions you may actually have more room). If you have already made a contribution of $5,500 this year, you can add…

Not Just Investments

Part of our commitment to your financial well-being, is to look at all the aspects of your financial life (and more), and develop a single, comprehensive and strategic plan. If it has been a while since we reviewed your complete purpose, intentions, values, and goals; it’s time to set up a meeting to get on track. Many of our clients have been surprised to learn of all of the different things we can do. Along with managing your investments, we can assist in ensuring you have adequate protection in the event of your death, or if you fall ill or…