Category Archives: Blog

Happy New Year

As we celebrate the end of 2013, we reflect on the past year. We hope that you have enjoyed the beginnings of our blog project, and we look forward to the next year of education and interaction with our readers. We also invite you to share your ideas on topics you’d like to see covered in the coming year. A new year brings new dreams, new visions, new resolutions, new opportunities. Kay, Marilyn and I wish our clients and readers all the best for a very prosperous New Year.

The Power Of Habit

Part of being a really good financial advisor lies not only with investment selection or the ‘numbers’ of financial management, but with understanding human behavior, and how that can assist or impair an individual to achieving success. I recently read a book that can help all of us in our search to live a better life. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg shares the most recent research done to figure out why we do what we do in life and business. By understanding how our brains work (habits become very ingrained), we can then modify our behaviours to create new habits.…

Hello World!

Kay and I are excited to begin this fun, educational resource for you (our clients), your families, and any friends that you think would enjoy visiting. Our hope by starting this blog is to create a source for information that is important to your financial lives, and an easy way to share such information with other people you care about. Given the complexity of many financial matters, we will attempt to present our contributions in a manner that can be easily understood, and not yawn worthy (although we can’t promise you will be as excited as us on some topics).…