Category Archives: Home/Real Estate

Happy New Year

While many people are making their New Years Resolutions about health and wellness, consider committing to your financial wellbeing too! Here are a few things to think about when writing down your 2024 goals. Top up your TFSAs or consider making a regular contribution The new maximum limit for 2024 is $7,000, however if you have not maximized your contributions in previous years then you will have more than the annual limit to contribute. If you don’t have the cash available for a larger deposit, you could consider making regular bi-weekly or monthly contributions throughout the calendar year to maximize…

New Tax-Free ‘First Home Savings Account’

Most people know that you can use up to $35,000 of your RRSP for a down-payment on your first home. Under this First-Time Home Buyers Plan (HBP), you essentially borrow up to that amount from yourself out of the RRSP and must re-pay the amount back into your RRSP starting the second year after you withdraw it. The re-payment is 1/15 of the total amount withdrawn, each year for 15 years. For example, if you take out the full $35,000 under the HBP in 2022, you will begin paying it back to the RRSP in 2024 in the amount of…

Rising Mortgage Interest Rates

For years I have been having the conversation with clients around how interest rates won’t stay low forever, and how to be prepared for the eventual rise of mortgage rates. In the last few years, the housing market has been on fire, and houses have been selling way above their actual realistic value. Buyers have been enjoying super low interest rates, but did they think about what happens in 4-5 years time when their term mortgage renewal is several percentage points higher than when they bought (or refinanced) their house? More specifically, did they have someone advising them on some…

Should I put my kids on title of my principal residence?

This is becoming one of the more common questions asked by our clients in recent years. A person or couple’s home, if owned, is often one of their largest assets, so people look for ways to limit the probate due on these assets. But you have to be very careful about putting an adult child as a joint owner because there can be some serious consequences. 1. A principal residence is one of the few assets that gets preferential income tax treatment, so losing this potential benefit is something you want to avoid. In most cases, the child will not…

Be Mortgage-Free Faster

Every home owner dreams of being mortgage free. In today’s environment, home prices are some of the highest they have been, and with that, mortgage sizes are significantly larger. Today’s home owners tend to feel it is the norm to always have a mortgage and never pay it off completely. The truth is, there are many opportunities to paying down your mortgage more quickly, and this could save you tens of thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage. Accelerated Mortgage Payments Do you pay your mortgage monthly? Call your lender and ask to switch to weekly or accelerated…

Cottage Ownership & Taxes

Don’t fool with the taxman when transferring your cottage By Tim Cestnick Last week I took my son, Win, to Dairy Queen on his eighth birthday. He was half-way through his ice cream when he said: “Dad, people who have a plastic leg have to be careful not to eat too much ice cream – it can hurt them.” Now, I’m no expert on prosthetic limbs. But I had to believe there was a flaw in Win’s thinking. “What makes you think that?” I asked. “Well,” he continued, “I read it in a book at school.” “So, what happens if…

Not Just Investments

Part of our commitment to your financial well-being, is to look at all the aspects of your financial life (and more), and develop a single, comprehensive and strategic plan. If it has been a while since we reviewed your complete purpose, intentions, values, and goals; it’s time to set up a meeting to get on track. Many of our clients have been surprised to learn of all of the different things we can do. Along with managing your investments, we can assist in ensuring you have adequate protection in the event of your death, or if you fall ill or…