Category Archives: Investing

Wise words for do-it-yourself investors

We are sharing this article with you because it provides a terrific summary of how to make money by investing in good businesses. These wise words from some of the world’s most successful investors highlight some simple rules, that when combined with in-depth research, can beat the average investor’s tepid returns. It is our emotions as individuals that lead us to make bad investing decisions. You hire us to create a plan for you and ensure you make good decisions. We hire portfolio managers for you, to ensure emotion is taken out of your investing. I hope you find the…

Education Savings

The Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a tax-sheltered plan that can help you save for a child’s post-secondary education. We all know that education costs are raising every year, and many parents, grandparents and other family members recognize the need to save long before the money is required. The major benefit to the RESP is the government grants that assist you to grow the account more quickly. Free money from the government, you say? Why wouldn’t you take advantage of that? Canadian Education Savings Grant (CESG) For an eligible beneficiary under the age of 18, the government matches 20%…

Retirement Income Planning

Facing retirement full in the face can be a really frightening prospect. Moving from actively earning your income, to passively receiving retirement income leaves many people weak at the knees. Will you have enough income? Should you take CPP early or late? When should you withdraw from RRSPs? Should you buy an annuity or move to a RRIF? What should you do with your company retirement pension or group RRSP when you retire? There are a lot of decisions to make, and it is important to make them informed decisions. Will you have enough income? The most important step here…


Let’s start with the Tax Free Savings Account (or TFSA). A lot of clients we talk to seem to have the misconception that you get a TFSA at a bank, and make a percent or two in a high interest savings account (if you’re lucky). The fact of the matter is that a TFSA is just another vessel to invest your money, just like an RRSP. Think of it as another hat to put mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and high interest savings accounts into. A TFSA seems to be advertised as a short term or emergency savings vessel, but that…

Year-End Investment News

As we approach the end of 2013, it seems a good time to share some insights on the investment climate. Freshly back from a conference and meetings with some professional money managers, I can share how they are positioning portfolios, and making their buy/sell decisions. Stock Markets It has been a good year for stock markets generally, with most major stock indices of the world moving up as investors gradually gain confidence again. Europe is slowly easing out of recession. Asia, although slowing, is moving from an export economy to a more domestically driven economy, and is still growing at…