Category Archives: Stock Market

Market Shock

Given the headlines of the past few days I thought I would share some comments below from a small collection of experienced money managers; and add a couple of my own. Fidelity Investments: Long-term bull markets never move in a straight line and it is normal to see short-term corrections along the way. Staying fully invested can give investors an opportunity to fully participate in the markets long-term upward trend. Waiting until the backdrop feels “safe” to make an investment in stocks, has historically not been a good method of achieving future returns. Many of the best periods to invest…


I recently attended HollisWealth’s 9th annual Year Ahead Investment Conference in Toronto, featuring some of North America’s top investment minds. The focus of the conference was to hear first-hand from experts on the economic and investment outlook for 2015. A number of speakers presented throughout the day including Scotiabank’s Chief Economist, Warren Jestin, Scotiabank’s Commodity Market expert, Ms. Patricia Mohr, Dynamic’s Chief Investment Strategist, Myles Zyblock, three sector analysts from Scotia Capital as well as panel discussions with Portfolio Managers and ETF experts. The speakers discussed a range of topics and some of the common themes that emerged are highlighted…

Today’s Markets

It has been a good eighteen months since we have seen any significant corrections in the world’s stock markets. We have enjoyed a long stretch of growing portfolios, and now we are experiencing a normal correction in the markets. To put this into some perspective I will share some thoughts from a selection of sources, including some portfolio managers I spoke to last week at a conference I attended in the U.S. Taking a macro view (large overview) there are a few things that are affecting the psychology of investors at the moment. The first is simply that many stock…

Year-End Investment News

As we approach the end of 2013, it seems a good time to share some insights on the investment climate. Freshly back from a conference and meetings with some professional money managers, I can share how they are positioning portfolios, and making their buy/sell decisions. Stock Markets It has been a good year for stock markets generally, with most major stock indices of the world moving up as investors gradually gain confidence again. Europe is slowly easing out of recession. Asia, although slowing, is moving from an export economy to a more domestically driven economy, and is still growing at…